On Monday, before we caught our flight, we decided to walk the other part of the Freedom Trail. I saw this and fell in love. Stained glass in the heart of a city. Gorgeous!

I was momentarily sidetracked but then it was back to the Freedom Trail. This is what you follow through town.

I think this is the Old South Meeting House.

Here is Old City Hall

This was the only time a got emotional. I held it all in but I felt something here by this statue of Benjamin Franklin.

I couldn't get the colors right so I went with B&W. Not sure how I feel about it.

The is the State House which is at the end of Boston Common.

We walked through Boston Common to get to the public gardens. What a treat. It was so incredibly glorious there. I am so glad I got to see it in the spring. Blossoms were raining down, tulips were everywhere and the weather was just gorgeous.

These swan boats are over 130 years old (okay, not these exact ones, but there have been swan boats there for that long.) and the only ones of their kind. It's too bad they weren't in use or you could bet money my butt would have been on one. I'm pretty sad that they weren't in use actually.

Can you stand it?

I felt like a kid in a candy shop. Everywhere I turned there was something amazing to feast my eyes on. This George Washington statue was huge and so superbly done. It was seriously grand.

The flowers were dazzling.

After taking pictures for a looong time we went over to Cheers! It was so surreal to be seeing something I have seen on TV for so many years right in-front of me.

This is the set bar.

I still can't get over the fact that I was there.

After Cheers we road the subway back to where we started.

Then it was time to get our car and go to the airport, but not before buying some last minute souvenirs and taking a few goofy pictures.

The fun was over, it was time to go back to reality. It was a perfect anniversary trip.

The flight home was much better than on the way out. There wasn't turbulence (We had a really bumpy go on the way out because of a storm. One drop left us both bug eyed. Eeek!) We also didn't have as full of a flight so Paul and I got a row all to ourselves. What a difference that makes on a five and a half hour flight!

Do you see the white in the middle? It looks like rapids. That is Niagara Falls. I still can't believe we saw it from the air.

We flew over a few of the great lakes, or several parts of one. It's hard to tell.

That line is where the clouds just stopped. It was like a blanket that suddenly came to an end. I wish I knew where this was. The terrain looked unlike anything I could image in the US.

We made it home safe and sound to tears of happiness from the kids. It was so good to see them again. I miss New England and hope to go back again, maybe next time we can go in the fall.