Sunday, June 27, 2010

Summer Randomness

This summer there has been a lot of indoor play and some outdoor artwork. 

Our garden is struggling. My tomatoes got snowed on after they were planted and this Roma just hasn't been happy since. I only have 1/4 of my peas and beans up. None of my squash is more than two inches tall. The corn looks the best and I have no clue how to grow corn! 

It's been fun having flowers bloom in the front yard. I was thrilled with my pink Iris and I found out I have Columbine's. I love Columbine's!

Emma has been working hard doing her part for the flag fundraiser. She has four houses that she is responsible for. I love driving through the neighborhoods when all the flags are waving. 

It has become a family affair. The flags and the poles they go on get pretty heavy!

I have a patriotic quilt top 90% done. It's close enough to being finished that I can use it as a backdrop on my ladder. I will then have it quilted later. 

There have not been enough donuts this summer. We've only gotten one dozen. We totally need more. 

We've had gorgeous weather. It has just started getting hot. We (as in Paul) replaced the pump on the swamp cooler so even though it was warm today, it was nice in the house.

The Laker's won and it's a very good think. Paul would have been tough to live with if they hadn't. 

Who knew Ephraim had good Mexican food with such large portions? 

Andrew wanted a picture next to the Welcome bear

The boys found a baby bird that had fallen out of a nest. The neighbor put it back in the tree. We're not sure what happened but it sure was fun getting closer than you normally can. 

I decided to move around our living room furniture, after almost seven years of having the same arrangement. I even moved the piano. By myself. All on my own. We love the new look of the room and because this table isn't right at the top of the stairs anymore it is no longer the landing pad for a ton of  crap. Wahoo!

Marius got hurt. It happened the week of Strawberry Days. It didn't look like much so we didn't do anything. On Friday night it was looking pretty bad so we got him a cone so he would leave it alone and it could heal. Well, it just got worse. First thing Monday I called the vet. 

He was pretty freaked out in the exam room.

After a week of antibiotics he is almost 100% healed. The vet said it was a bite from another cat. They had to flush the wound, inject it with meds and clip off the skin that was dying leaving large gaping holes. Barf! We are glad that he is going to be okay though.

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