Sunday, May 29, 2011

Saint Patrick's Cathedral

Saint Patrick's Cathedral was on my list of things I really wanted to see while on our trip. I have always loved looking at old churches in the cities that we are visiting. I have to think it's because our churches are so utilitarian and boring looking inside. Our temples our beautiful but most are quite modern. 

This building was completed in May 1879 with some renovations made between 1927 and 1931. It is really breathtakingly beautiful and so incredibly intricate. It blows my mind that buildings like these were made before all of our modern conveniences came to be. I can't wrap my brain around building something like this without cranes and heavy machinery. 

Sadly they were doing renovations on the exterior while we were there. The whole lower half was hidden behind scaffolding. 

When I enter a church that I don't belong to I feel like I am doing something I shouldn't by walking around taking pictures while people are there praying but I am so glad I went in. I  loved visiting this amazing building. 

I would love to hear this organ!

I can't even begin to describe how huge this building is. It is enormous. 

Everywhere you turn there is beautiful stained glass and some kind of intricate ornamentation. It was truly amazing. 

There were several places throughout the building where one could light candles. I'm always drawn to their flickering lights in the dimly lit churches. I love seeing these candle. They leave me wondering what prayer was offered when each one was lit. Thinking about them as a representation of someone's prayer is very special to me. 

While we were on our tours I saw so many old churches, all throughout Manhattan, that I would have loved to go into but sadly this was the only one I was able to visit. It was awesome.

Another Dream Come True

(Why can't people take pictures? This is a fool-proof little point and shoot camera and yet she still screwed up. Oh well. It's just my memories LOL!) 

On Tuesday night Paul and I finally got to go see U2 in concert. We had been waiting a LONG time for this. We bought the tickets well over a year ago. We had a great date weekend all set up and then Bono hurt his back and had to have surgery in Germany. 

We were so excited that the night finally came, even if it was a Tuesday. We didn't get home until 1:00 am. Paul had work, I drove the carpool etc. It was rough but worth it. 

The night wasn't drama free. We decided to take Trax up. What a mistake. It took us two hours to get from the Murray station to the University. The idiots (from Salt Lake City) sent out and email that said use the trains to avoid parking problems BUT they only had one train running. We totally missed the opening act. 

After the concert we decided to not deal with the trains again. The platform was beyond FULL and there wasn't a train in sight. It was after midnight and here we are walking from the University to the Gallivan Center (About three miles) so we could pick up the train that would take us to our  car. Guess what, we only saw one train pass us the whole time. That means it was faster to walk! So. Freaking. Lame. I could go on and on about the public transportation but I won't. It's picture time! 

The stage was crazy cool. 

The big screen that was showing the close-ups while the band performed stretched out and did some amazing things. 

Bono was awesome! 

As the concert was winding down we headed down from our seats hoping to get ahead of the crowd. U2 came back for an encore. Paul and I stopped to listen for a couple of songs. We got to dance together to With or Without you. It was one of those moments we will never forget. The concert was wonderful. U2 sounded amazing live. The night was cool but dry which is a miracle this year. Seeing U2 in concert is something we have both wanted to do for decades and we got to make that dream come true together. We had such a good time. I am so glad that I get to share moments like this with Paul. It was a night neither of us will ever forget. 

I'm still having way too much fun with my new toy. It has to be my most favorite ap ever. Here are some more Hipsta prints from my phone. 

Andrew's Fourth Grade Program

Andrew has been learning about Utah history in school. They were suppose to have their fourth grade program that included songs, plays and square dancing around the same time as the Rendezvous but because of end of year testing it was re-scheduled until mid-May.

All the fourth grade classes sang songs about pioneers and Utah's history together then the individual classes had little plays or a dance that they had worked on. Andrew had the lead in his class's play. He portrayed Dreadful Dan a villain that was going to steal the Golden Spike.

(He was a total ham) 

When he first got the script we were worried that he would have trouble learning all of his lines but he practiced hard and did a great job! He was animated and spoke nice and loud. We were so proud of him.

At one point in the play he screamed and then jumped in the sheriff's arms. Since I wasn't able to get pictures during the play I had them re-create that scene after the play. Too cute! 

He really was awesome. 

Saturday, May 21, 2011

My Hipsta Prints

I may have had a little too much fun with the hiptamatic ap. on my phone. 

At Serendipity 

The Subway Series

Lunch by the water

Grand Central Station

On the way to Liberty Island

More of the Subway Series

Some food

The journey home