Emma and Andrew go to White Castle!
Harold and Kumar go to White Castle is one of the funniest movies of all time. We watched it a long time ago, before giving up R rated movies. Ever since I watched it I have wanted to go to White Castle. For one reason or another we didn't go last time. I told the kids about it and then they watched the episode of Undercover Boss and all of a sudden they wanted to go too. We tried to talk them out of it since we had already wasted so much money on food but they insisted so we did White Castle before leaving Illinois. We had some time to kill so why not?
This meal deal seemed perfect. Cheap, yet enough for everyone to try it.
They were pretty excited about their sliders. The insisted they liked them. Me, not so much. Once I opened the bun I about barfed. There was way too much grease making the bun all soggy.
They ate everything. Me? I couldn't finish it. Look how nasty that "meat" is.
After our adventure at White Castle we went to Schaumburg. I love the mall there!

Look at how it crisses and crosses with level after level of shopping heaven. I spent a lot of time at H&M and the kids found another Lego store. They also played in the Apple store for a long time while I hit the Limited.
After a while we decided we needed a meal. We chose to take the kids to Rainforest Cafe right there in the mall. It's always fun and somewhat of a tradition for us. It seems like there are always RC's where ever we go.
I have always wanted a picture by the giant fruit. I tried once in California but it didn't turn out. Emma wanted one too.
Andrew opted for the alligator and the dolphin rather than the giant fruit.
The kids toasting to Family Vacations!
Paul and I happy that we survived the week. Like I said before, there were up and there were certainly downs but overall we came away with some amazing experiences and memories that will last us a lifetime. Yes I think we may have bit off more than we could chew but we learned a lot and that is important.
After lunch we headed to the airport where we sat for hours and hours. The flight was delayed two hours. We entertained ourselves the best we could by eating and playing. The flight home was bumpy, especially the landing. It was so good to be on solid ground. We didn't get to our house until after midnight but everything was in order and our cat was happy to see us. What more can we ask for?