Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Planting a Garden is Fun to do!

Last night for Family Home Evening we planted our garden. I still need to buy a Roma tomato, grape tomato, green pepper and a jalapeño plant and then we are set! (today was rainy or else I would have done it this afternoon)

Everyone helped and we are all really excited about our new garden boxes that my dad built for us.
Here is most of what we planted.
The goal is to kill all the weeds along the fence and then put a border around where you see the back paper and fill in the whole area with rocks so we can walk all around the boxes easily. We also want to add at least one more box next year.
If all goes well we will have yellow beans, green beans, peas, zucchini, yellow squash and 5 types of pumpkins/gourds sprouting soon. I also planted carrots, leeks and green onions but I'm scared they won't do well. We shall see.

1 comment:

Qwendykay said...

I'm so jealous. The deer keep snacking on my garden!