Just thought I would play a bit. Some edits I love, others were just for practice. It's always fun to play with photoshop.
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
It's Andrew's Day!
My sweet boy has been so good and patient while we have been focusing on Emma and Junior High.
He sort-of had to take a back seat through the whole process but he never complained. We didn't spend as much time clothes shopping for him. He hasn't really out-grown his clothes like Emma did. Simply put, he didn't need as much. We did get him some super cheap t-shirts here and there. He's so funny. All he wants are mens shirts. Three of these shirts are from men's stores but he loves them and doesn't care if they are too big.
We got him some shorts at Costco and one pair from the Children's Place.

We got him a couple pairs of shoes too and that's it.
We didn't get him as many school supplies. He doesn't have eight different classes like she does. He didn't need to go to his school a ton of times but he dragged through the junior high time and time again when Emma did.
He has been so good and I appreciate it more than he knows. When he asks for something little I've been trying to get it for him. That is why I bought him a Texas Ring yesterday when he said he wanted one. He deserved it. Everyone should have a Texas Ring at least once in their life, right?
Andrew has my heart. I love that kid so much. I already miss him. He has been getting more and more bored around the house though so I'm glad school is starting. He's got a great teacher, good kids in his class, a wonderful principal, he goes to a school that is close by that I know it inside and out. He's going to be safe and do great. I know it.
He's a funny little dude. He has his own style, his own opinions and he is so stubborn. There is no changing his mind. Today he wanted to wear a skull shirt, spiked hair (he doesn't want to get it cut so apparently we are growing it out.) two necklaces and flame shoes. He loves the flame shoes.
If that is how he wants to express himself who am I to stand in his way. I didn't argue but I did cringe a little.
At least he still lets me follow him to school (dad drove since he has a cooler car) and take his picture. Oh and he still hugs me and kisses me, even with me in PJ's and with other kids around. He's awesome.
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
The Day Has Come
Emma started Junior High this morning.
The whole process is very intimidating when you've never done it before. There has been so much prep. work, dating back months. We had to pick classes while she was still in 6th grade. We've been working on getting her registered, getting her fees paid (did you know that you have to pay to go to PUBLIC school in Utah? What a bunch of BS.) getting her vaccinated, getting all the supplies, getting teeth pulled etc. There has been so much anticipation, so many nerves, so many trips to the Junior High (approximately 8-10 in the last week alone), so much shopping, so much stressing, so much.....waiting, all for today.
She was up and eating before 7:00 am. School starts at 8:15 and she showered last night. I think, no I know, she was anxious.
Today is a special day, it is called seventh grade day. Only the 7th graders go to school today. They do this so they can get a feel for how it all works without being intimidated by the 8th and 9th graders. I love this! As a mom it makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. Everyone is in the same boat.
(She gets to wear flip-flops to school. She's thrilled. She also shaved her legs, all by herself last night for the very first time.)
The rest of the district starts school tomorrow. That will be Andrew's first day but then Emma gets the day off. Only the 8th and 9th grade kids go to school tomorrow. We are going to take Andrew out to lunch today and Emma out tomorrow. It will be fun to have one on one time with them. I love my kids.
Emma is a special girl and it is my prayer that people will get to know her and love her for who she is. Kids are so judgmental. I hope and pray she is spared of any hate and/or hurtful words. Mean girls (and boys) suck and I hope she can avoid them. If anyone hurts my baby I will go and kick them in the shin. I worry for her. She is blissfully unaware of how horrid kids can be. I hope it stays that way.
(We HATE this pose so she does it, a lot, just to bug us.)
(She thought she was pretty funny doing the fish face pose. At least I got a real smile out of her.)
Yes I'm crying.
Monday, August 16, 2010
$200 Tomatoes
I mentioned a while ago that my dad built us garden boxes. We spent a couple hundred bucks on the supplies and the dirt. After planting the garden it snowed. My tomatoes weren't happy. It then got too hot for my peas. They shriveled up and died. My beans weren't too happy either. It was pretty dang sad. When I picked these grape tomatoes for a salad I told Paul they were $200 tomatoes since that is all we had gotten out of our fancy new garden area.
Well things are a changin'
We have more tomatoes than we will probably ever eat. I might actually get to contribute to the share the bounty booth this year. I never thought that would happen.
There's a lot more where those came from.

We don't have any zucchini this year. I don't know what happened but they never grew. That's okay. There is never a shortage of zucchini around these parts. We do have yellow squash and I love yellow squash.
We have tons of pumpkins. I planted a lot different kinds so I have no idea what we'll get but I'm still excited.
One precious pepper.
And the most exciting thing....CORN!
We didn't think we would get any actual corn. We found out that you need several rows to cross-pollinate. We only planted one row. I left the stalks thinking we could use them for Halloween decorations but we actually have corn!!! Isn't it beautiful?
I love having a garden and can't wait for next year.
I think we're set!
Today was the final step before the first day of school. We had paid the bill, gotten the shots and dropped off the forms. Today we got up bright and early and went to the school. She got her final schedule, found the locker, practiced the locker combo and walked the school to see where classes were. She is finally getting more excited than nervous. (Thank goodness) I can't believe my baby is going to junior high. Here she is with a 9th grade "PAL" that happens to be from our ward. She took really good care of us, showed Emma where to go and found out her lunch schedule. They gave all the 7th graders a water-bottle and pen. I am so glad that they are sensitive to these little newbies.
It took her a few times to get used to doing the combination.

Emma has a great locker combo. It's really easy to remember but she kept checking the paper. The loving mom that I am slammed the paper with the combo on it in the locker. She looked at me like "MOM!" but she managed just fine. This was the look of relief (She still looks puffy eyed from waking up early) she had once she opened it and got to get her papers out.

We came home and I did a quick inventory of what we have for back to school clothes. Most of the stuff we got back in June when Aero was having their $5 t-shirt sale with a $10 off a $50 purchase coupon. Yes she is going to be a walking Areopostale' ad but we got some screamin' deals and she loved everything. We stocked up on $9.99 jeans too. I can't believe she bought all junior/women's sizes. Not one thing is from the girl's department this year.

She wear a double zero. 00. It's great since most people don't wear that size we get them super marked down, but a double zero? That's sick. (I'm just jealous, that's all. If I'm going to be a double digit that's the kind I'd like to be LOL!) She looks so cute in the skinny jeans. Her legs are like little toothpicks. I almost couldn't stop laughing when she tried them on.
Only one week left...
I don't know who is more excited.
August 12th ~ MUD DAY
This was the third Mud Day that grandpa David and grandma Nancy have hosted. The kids love it and look forward to it. They have so much fun getting totally gross and disgusting. I just drop them off and run away. Grandpa is kind enough to drop them off once they are stripped of their yucky clothes and all shiny and clean. It's awesome!

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