Monday, April 2, 2012

I Made Strawberry Freezer Jam Again

We just ran out of jam last week. Oh dear! Whatever shall we do? Make more! It had been a while since I had made this. My double batch lasted us about two years. How great is that? One batch equals a year supply for our family. Good to know and not too shabby since it's only about $5 worth of strawberries and I usually have everything else I need. 

Paul can't live long without his jam so I knew I needed to get busy and make more.

I got the berries knowing I had everything else I needed, or so I thought. When it came time to add the pectin I realized I had unflavored gelatin in the pantry, not pectin. I called my darling neighbor Diane in a panic and she saved the day. I am so grateful for good neighbors.

I love making this even though it is a bit time consuming and messy. It always makes me think of my friend Rees.

Several years ago we had a recipe night in Relief Society. We got together and shared a dish and swaped recipes. It was fun for a while but then the interest began to fizzle. We decided to try having nights where you learned how to make something instead. On one of those nights my friend Rees shared how she made freezer jam. I went home and made some and now my family won't eat anything else. 

Paul LOVES it because I blend the strawberries tso there are no "hanging chunks" of fruit. I prefer it because even though there is an obscene amount of sugar and corn syrup I know it isn't high fructose corn syrup. 

As I said before, I can't help but think of Rees and her presentation that night the whole entire time I'm making the jam and stirring every five minutes. Now I will be thinking of Diane as well. For me this is a very happy recipe! There is something about making jam or breads that always makes me feel so domestic LOL and I love providing something for my family that I know they love. 

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