Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Today we Celebrated the Life of my Great Uncle Harold

This is grandma Louise with her little brother Harold a couple of years ago at my cousin Chris' wedding. 

I'm glad I have this picture of us together.

Last Tuesday Harold passed away. He was fighting cancer but passed from a brain stroke. I really enjoyed getting to know him even better today at his funeral. His four children told many wonderful stories today. He was a very intelligent, very good and giving man. 

I'm thankful that my grandparents came out from California for the funeral. It was so good to see them! I was wasn't going to check the kids out of school since it is the end of the semester (finals) but once I got there I knew they had to see their great-grandparents again. I texted Paul and asked him to check them out of school and bring them to the church. They got there right at the end of the service. They were able to visit with my grandparents, cousins, aunts and uncles during the luncheon. It was such a good afternoon. I love that my kids love their great grandparents so much because I love them so much. 

I had to take another four generation picture. 

1 comment:

rlg said...

I'm so thankful that you have those beautiful pictures. They truly are priceless. Thanks for being there and for having Paul bring the children too. It was a wonderful time for family.