Sunday, July 3, 2011

Emma Returned from Girl's Camp

Emma got home from Girl's Camp in Flaming Gorge Thursday. When she got back the first thing she wanted to do was get in the shower. She had a great time but preferred camp last year to this year. This year there wasn't water near camp to play in, her secret sister forgot to bring her stuff (She said she would bring it by after they got home but she hasn't) and they got rained on. And hailed on. And they were kept up all night by lightning and thunder. Overall it was a great experience and she is glad she went. They got to do some pretty cool things.

In the car on the 3.5 hour drive. 

Home away from home

A little visitor

that found a popcorn ball 

On the way to the cave. It took about 40 minutes to an hour to get there.

The scenery along the way

In the cave, foam!


One of the leaders, Kristen. 

Kristen and Syd after exploring a small cave. 

They got to go river rafting. I think this was her favorite part of camp. 

Katie took a picture of herself through the water. This shot makes me laugh so hard! 

This water was 50 some degrees. Crazy girls. 

Here is Emma right after she got home. She was totally embarrassed that I am taking a picture when she hadn't had a shower for four days. 

Her car and one other car got home a while before all the others. She was able to shower before the rest of her stuff and the others arrived. 

They had so much rain the last night at camp the tents were still drenched when it was time to pack up and leave. The girls had to go and set them up in the camp director's yard so they could get cleaned and dried out. 

Those tents are a pain to set up. It took a lot of work in the hot sun. 

After all the tents got put up and swept out they were able to collect their bags of stuff. 

I am so glad to have Emma home. We all missed her while she was away even though Andrew doesn't like to admit it.

1 comment:

rlg said...

I'm glad she had a good time. She is such a good little lady. You're lucky to have those camp pictures.